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Final testing with Fido


Just a few more tests before Fido can officially be used as a stud dog. And these final tests are scheduled at the vet today.

english cocker spaniel liver and tan vet a7noord HD photos ECVO blog
Fido at A7Noord vets

I have no idea what to expect.

An ophthalmologist (eye specialiced vet) visits our vet once every two weeks. This mainly performs ECVO tests, but also other eye examinations. Since this veterinarian is not often present at this veterinary clinic, appointments are quickly booked up. I therefore I combined the ECVO appointment with taking the HD photos.

I made an appointment with the assistant, sent the papers for assessing the HD photos and arrived at the clinic on time. We start with the EVCO test, because it is cheaper than the HD photos. If the test is not good, I can still choose not to allow the HD photos to proceed. I thought that was neatly arranged.

Fido first gets drops in his eyes, so that the vet can take a better look into his eyes. These drops need some time to work and in the meantime I take a short walk with Fido. If I wait in the waiting room, Fido's stress only increases, while the stress decreases due to walking and sniffing. Fortunately, Fido was fine with it all.

Fido at A7Noord veterinarians in Drachten

It's actually nothing.

I expected a lot more from it, but it's done in no time. Fido is allowed on the table and the vet looks into his eyes for a moment. She uses several instruments for this. The form is filled out and everything is approved. That's it. Thank goodness!

The nice thing about such a day is that many breeders come. While I waited for the HD photos to be taken, there were several breeders in the waiting room who all came for the ECVO tests. I had a quick chat with some of them, and you learn new things that way.

After a few minutes Fido was picked up for the HD photos. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to come, but I have seen before how something like this works. After fifteen minutes Fido was back and he could go home again. Normally our dogs sit in the back of the car, but because Fido had behaved so well, he was allowed to sit in the passenger seat. Of course he wears his seat belt, because safety comes first. Although that wouldn't have made much difference, he only slept like a baby.

I am of course very happy with the positive result of the ECVO test. Now we have to wait for the results of the HD photos. As soon as these are known, I will add this to Fido's page.


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